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Error Banner Code Descriptions for 170.30 and Above  


Admin Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 63
08/11/2021 7:55 pm  

SCOPE: HDI 5000 SW 170.30 and above.
PROBLEM: Error Banner Codes have no descriptions.
CAUSE: Software limitations
SOLUTION: Provide Cross reference listing
PROCEDURE: In the HDI 5000 software 170.xx, the Error Banner display shows Date
and Time when the Error occurred and an Error Number. The Error
Number is unique and provides information about the reported Error
Locate the reported number in the table in the following pages to read the
text message associated with that message.
The Error that caused the Banner is not the root cause. It is the result of a
broken failure path. Proper troubleshooting and system diagnostic tests as
shown in the UpLink troubleshooting flow charts need to be performed in
order to identify the problem!


0001 PiLogErr.c

A software failure (new assertion) has occurred. There is no known hardware fault that

could cause this.

0002 bCommonFormat.c

FEC alert message - The front end has stopped scanning because of some power

monitor problem. This could be a hardware problem with the scanhead, the channel

boards, the AIM, or the power supplies, but this also could be a system software

problem. In reviewing the previous error messages, from the FEC, the board errorID

should indicate if there is a specific problem with hardware.

0003 bCommon.c

Hardware configuration was incorrect for the board specified in the error message.

Most likely this is a board configuration problem - either the hard coded bits or the

Eeprom is bad. This could also be a communications or software problem.

0004 CmoduleLoader.c

This prevents the user from using the machine after flash files were reloaded - it only

requires a system reboot.

0005 CmoduleLoader.c

Could not determine which flash to load. Look at the previous error messages and they

will indicate which board and file it had trouble evaluating. It could be the board itself,

or an incorrect modprog.sys file was copied on an install/upgrade.

0006 CmoduleLoader.c

Could not load the flash specified. Look at the previous error messages and they will

indicate which board and file it had trouble loading. It could be the board itself, or the

flash file was corrupt on the hard disk, or an install/upgrade process did not copy the

correct file.

0007 bUtil.c

Could not determine which center plane was installed. The hardware configuration

could not be read from the center plane. This can be a fault of the center plane config

resistors for older boards or the configuration Eeprom for newer boards. It also could

be a fault of the CPU's ability to read these devices.

0008 VDiags_Init.c

The installed hardware and software did not match the expected values. Verify the

installed hardware and software differences are correct (typically this occurs on an

install or upgrade) and replace any that are invalid. For any differences that are

acceptable, save Installed as Expected in the config menu. If this occurs after saving

installed as expected and then rebooting, there probably is a software problem.


Machine Options could not be set. Typically this is a problem with the machopts.dat

file. Either it could not be read or it had an invalid password. It could also be a

software problem.

0010 CMachFeature.c

The list of PCM's in the machine feature software did not contain the installed board.

Probably an invalid PCM was installed for this machine. This error was not detected

by the configuration software as the installed configuration was incorrectly saved as

the expected.

0011 CMachFeature.c

The list of ChannelBoards (CB) in the machine feature software did not contain the

installed board. Probably an invalid CB was installed for this machine. This error was

not detected by the configuration software as the installed configuration was

incorrectly saved as the expected.

0012 CMachFeature.c

The list of AIFOM's in the machine feature software did not contain the installed

board. Probably an invalid AIFOM for this machine was installed. This error was not

detected by the configuration software as the installed configuration was incorrectly

saved as the expected.

0013 CMachFeature.c

The list of AIM's in the machine feature software did not contain the installed board.

Probably an invalid AIM was installed for this machine. This error was not detected

by the configuration software as the installed configuration was incorrectly saved as

the expected.

0014 CMachFeature.c

The list of DDEA's in machine feature software did not contain the installed board.

Probably an invalid DDEA was installed for this machine. It was not detected by

configuration software as installed was saved as expected.

0015 CMachFeature.c

The list of DOPACQ's in the machine feature software did not contain the installed

board. Probably an invalid DOPACQ was installed for this machine. This error was

not detected by the configuration software as the installed configuration was

incorrectly saved as the expected.

0016 CDiagsMachine.c

A board failed its bootup test. An error message describing which board failed should

precede this error. If not, run the PCB's Bootup Status util and it will display which

board failed. This is usually an actual board failure.

0017 bUtilStatus.c

Slot configuration error on bootup. Review the previous error messages and the

suspected slot and board will be identified. Either the configuration was read

incorrectly which would be a board failure or the board was not seated correctly.

Another possibility is that the data files that describe how the center plane is

configured (brdList.xml, ctrP96.xml, sltP96.xml are invalid or corrupt.

0018 VDiagsSoftware.c

This is only a test message. It occurs when VDiagsSftw_PriorityAlert is executed to

verify a banner can be generated.

0019 VPMPowerMonitor.c

The main task was suspended or crashed at the time the standby switch was set to off.

No recommendations.

0020 VPMClockMonitor.c

Monitor task crash. No recommendations.

0021 VPMClockMonitor.c

Task crash. No recommendations.

0022 mainVxworks.c

Chkdsk failed with errors that it could not fix. The most likely cause is a failed hard


0023 mainVxworks.c

NVRAM was corrupt. Either the battery or the device itself is bad. This also can be

caused by turning the power off from the back or pulling the plug.

0024 bTransport.c

Write communications to the PCM through the ATL socket failed. This is most likely

a software failure, but it could also be a board failure of the PCM or the CPU. The

PCM resets if its memory overflows because of resource memory leaks, and this reset

will close this socket.

0025 bTransport.c

Read communications from the PCM through the ATL socket failed. This is most

likely a software failure, but it could be a board failure of the PCM or the CPU. The

PCM resets, if its memory overflows because of resource memory leaks, and this reset

will close this socket.

0026 SscbTask.c

Scip block transfer failed. The board address will be in the error message. This could

be the board, but most likely is a communications fault and a retry usually fixes it.

This also could be a corrupt file that is being transferred.

0027 uModXKbdMap.c

The user interface key-symbol file could not be found. Either it is corrupt, or missing.

0028 vCalcOb.c

Attempt to get an equation from a weight table failed. Could be a corrupted file or

software error.

0029 vCalcOb.c

Error with equations in weight table failed. Could be a corrupted file or software error.

0030 vCalcOb.c

Attempt to get an equation from the age table file failed. Could be a corrupted file or

software error.

0031 vCalcOb.c

Error with equations in age table failed. Could be a corrupted file or software error.

0032 vCalcOb.c

Attempt to get a table from the age table failed. Could be a corrupted file or software


0033 vCalcOb.c

Attempt to get data from the percentile table failed. Could be a corrupted file or

software error.

0034 vCalcOb.c

Could not determine current table for a measurement. Could be a corrupted file or

software error.


Attempt to open an AP&I file for a scanhead failed. Either the file is corrupted or



Attempt to open a Raima data base AP&I record failed. Either the Raima data base is

corrupt, or there was a software error.

0037 vsScanhead.c

The MPTEE has exceeded its temperature. No recommendations.

0038 vsScanhead.c

The BPTEE has exceeded its temperature. No recommendations.

0039 vdRtda.c

The Doppler display and Physio display are out of sync. This primarily indicates a

software problem, but it also is an indication that the signal path failed to restart after a

stop. Thus it could be any of the signal path boards.

0040 vdtScanSequence.c

The Pulse CW Doppler duty cycle is out of range. This is a software problem. There

is no hardware fix.

0041 bAdaptrFormat.c

When trying to stop the data path to change modes, the ADAPTR would not stop. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0042 bAifom1Format.c

When trying to stop the data path to change modes, the AIFOM would not stop. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0043 bSpm1Format.c

When trying to stop the data path to change modes, the SPM would not stop. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0044 bSpm1Format.c

When trying to start the data path to change modes, the SPM would not start. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0045 bSsp1Format.c

When trying to stop the data path to change modes, the SSP would not stop. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0046 cSpcs.c

Could not initialize the DDEA board. Replace the DDEA. This could also be problem

with communication to the DDEA.

0047 cSpcsGspmColor.c

SSP is present, but no code compiled for the Color mode for the SSP. This is a system

software problem.

0048 cSpcsGspmColor.c

SPM is present, but no code compiled for the Color mode for the SPM. This is a

system software problem.

0049 cSpcsGspmDopp.c

SSP is present, but no code compiled for the Doppler mode for the SSP. This is a

system software problem.

0050 cSpcsGspmDopp.c

SPM is present, but no code compiled for the Doppler mode for the SPM. This is a

system software problem.

0051 cSpcsGspmMisc.c

SSP is present, but no code compiled for the Miscellaneous support for the SSP. This

is a system software problem.

0052 cSpcsGspmMisc.c

SPM is present, but no code compiled for the Miscellaneous support for the SPM. This

is a system software problem.

0053 cSpcsGspmMmode.c

SSP is present, but no code compiled for the Mmode for the SSP. This is a system

software problem.

0054 cSpcsGspmMmode.c

SPM is present, but no code compiled for the Mmode for the SPM. This is a system

software problem.

0055 cSpcsGspmTwod.c

SSP is present, but no code compiled for the 2D mode for the SSP. This is a system

software problem.

0056 cSpcsGspmTwod.c

SPM is present, but no code compiled for the 2D mode for the SPM. This is a system

software problem.

0057 cInit.c

Could not initialize the Front End Sub-System. No recommendations.

0058 bImem.c

Imem failure. Replace the IMEM board. If this error repeats, could be software

memory allocation problem.

0059 cFecsXdcr.c

The scanhead prom checksum was incorrect. Replace bad scanhead. If it repeats, this

could be a problem with the FEC or SHSEL which read the data.

0060 cFecsXdcr.c

The scanhead prom checksum was incorrect. Replace bad scanhead. If this error

repeats, this could be a communication problem with the FEC or SHSEL which read

the data which could be a software problem.

0061 bMps.c

Problem when shutting down the system with the standby switch. This is for systems

with an MPS. Most probable cause is software.

0062 bFecFormat.c

When trying to stop the data path to change modes, the FEC would not stop. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0063 bFecFormat.c

When trying to start the data path to change modes, the FEC would not start. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0064 bFec.c

Problem when shutting down the system with the standby switch. This is for systems

with a PSM. Most probable cause is software.

0065 cFecsApim.c

The AP&I checksum from the Raima data base files did not match the value in the

control and data files for a scanhead. Possibly corrupted files for that scanhead


0066 bImem.c

Could not read configuration for the IMEM. Replace the IMEM board. This could

also be a problem with the communication to the IMEM board.


Problem when trying to transfer data to the AIFOM. This could cause a scaling error.

This could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0068 vdtScanSequence.c

Problem when switching from CW to 2D. This is software problem.

0069 cSpcsPhysio.c

Problem while setting the gain for channel B of the DDEA. This could be a board

problem or also a problem with the communication to the DDEA.

0070 cSpcsPhysio.c

Problem while setting the gain for channel A of the DDEA. This could be a board

problem or also a problem with the communication to the DDEA.

0071 cSpcsAaPath.c

Problem while getting the ADAPTR environment data from the environment file.

Probably a corrupt or missing file. Could also be a software problem.

0072 bFecFormat.c

System and FEC communications are out of sync. Most likely this is a software

problem. Running the End to End and Machine Comprehensive tests will verify the

hardware is good.

0073 vsScanhead.c

CW calibration file was not available at the beginning of calibration. Run the CW

calibration util.

0074 vsScanhead.c

Could not write CW calibration results to the hard disk. Most likely this is a file

corruption error with the hard disk. Could also be a system software error.


Problem when starting the data path after an image update with the FEC board. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.


Problem when starting the data path after an image update with the AIFOM board.

This could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.


Problem when starting the data path after an image update with the ADAPTR board.

This could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.


Problem when starting the data path after an image update with the SSP board. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.


Problem when starting the data path after an image update with the PSP board. This

could be a board problem, or a software problem. If the End to End and Machine

Comprehensive Tests pass it is probably not the board.

0080 uDiagsTmpSWOptSetup.c

Problem allocating display resources for Temporary Software Options message

banners or controls. This is a software problem. Existing Temporary Software

Options should still be functional.


Power Calcs configuration failure writing or reading the backup/restore configuration

file to the MO disk. Reviewing the error messages previous to and associated with this

banner will indicate what the particular file and error were.

0082 VDiags_Init.c

System CPU memory configuration is incorrect for an HDI 5000. A minimum of 48

MBytes is required. Check the System CPU and verify the correct amount of memory

is installed.

0083 vdbUtil.c

Problem when performing vdb data initialization. This is a software problem.

0084 uMisem.c

Problem with DVS. Look in machine error log for the DVS error code contained in the

message string.

0085 vetScanFormat.c

EPM data conflict. This is a software problem.

0086 mainVxworks.c

Swatch task failed to initialize. This is a software problem.

0087 vMisem.c

The DVS installed hardware and software did not match the expected values. Verify

the installed hardware and software differences are correct (typically this occurs on an

install or upgrade) and replace any that are invalid. For any differences that are

acceptable, save Installed as Expected in the config menu. If this occurs after saving

installed as expected and then rebooting, there probably is a software problem.


Memory corruption caused by improper use of malloc, free, or realloc. This is a

software problem.

0089 uMisem.c

No DVS bootup status. If other HDI functionality is working, either the HDI has a

problem communicating with the DVS (failure in CPU, the ethernet cable, or the

system software), or DVS did not bootup (failure in the DVS box).

0090 uMisem.c

Problem communicating with the DVS box. Either the HDI had a problem

communicating with the DVS (failure in CPU, the ethernet cable, or the system

software), or DVS failed to communicate (failure in the DVS box).


Problem with HDI Speed-up machine option and the SPM hardware configuration. If

the option is enabled, an SPM2X is required. If the option is disabled, an SPM2X is not

allowed. This is a system configuration problem.


FEC failed its checklist for signal path startup. This is a software problem and indicates

that the system failed to program the signal path correctly. There is no known

workaround other than to reboot.


On selecting an application, the new signal path pointer was NULL. This is a software

problem for which rebooting is the only known workaround.


On disconnecting the active scanhead in an ultrasound display source, the attempt to

deactivate the signal path's VDB objects failed. This is a software problem for which

rebooting is the only known workaround.


On disconnecting the active scanhead in an ultrasound display source, could not obtain

the signal path type to deactivate the its VDB objects. This is a software problem for

which rebooting is the only known workaround
